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April 11, 2022 3 min read

If your dog has been extra thirsty lately, you’re not alone. A lot of pet owners have the same question about why their pets are so thirsty all the time, especially in hot weather or when they’ve been sick and taking antibiotics.

Here are some potential causes and ways to help your dog be less thirsty!

Signs of dehydration in Dogs

Dehydration and loss of water content in tissues can happen for a number of reasons, including too much urination, diarrhea, or vomiting. Signs that your dog may be dehydrated include being excessively thirsty, lethargic, sunken eyes, and dry mouth.

Certain behaviors associated with being dehydrated include drinking more water than usual & increased panting.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately. No matter what caused it, it’s important to rehydrate your pup as soon as possible. Symptoms will often begin to show within six hours of dehydration but can be identified after 24 hours. Prompt treatment will speed up recovery time and prevent long-term health problems from developing.

Reasons for excessive thirst in dogs

Dogs are animals with a higher surface area to volume ratio than humans. That means that their bodies lose heat much faster than ours do, and since they can’t sweat, they cool down by panting and by urinating or defecating on themselves.

It follows that if dogs are not drinking enough water, they will be dehydrated and risk suffering heatstroke. Many factors contribute to dehydration in dogs such as obesity. Not only do fat dogs feel hotter than skinny ones because there’s more of them to generate more body heat; it also takes energy for them to move around when they’re overweight, so in addition to drinking more water, fat dogs need more exercise.

Do Antibiotics make dogs thirsty?

Dogs who are sick or on medication may be excessively thirsty for reasons that have nothing to do with how much water they need. Watch your dog's behaviour. If you think he's drinking more than usual, it could be a symptom of illness.

According to Dr. Karen Becker, DVM, excessive thirst and urination are signs of diabetes, kidney disease, and Cushing's syndrome in dogs; liver and pancreatic diseases can also cause increased thirst; digestive issues like diarrhea and vomiting will leave a pup dehydrated; cancer patients often lose their appetite but may still feel like having a drink now and then; while dehydration may occur after strenuous exercise or as part of a chronic illness such as hyperthyroidism or heart disease—just to name a few examples!

How to increase water intake in dogs?

In one study, researchers found that giving dogs ice cream resulted in an increase in their water intake. Now, that's not a practical solution for most of us—unless you're planning to run a doggie ice cream stand on the side—but there are some practical things you can do to encourage your pet to drink more water.

Some key ways include: getting a big enough bowl; offering fresh water at every mealtime; adding wet food or broth to meals (which helps hydrate); and putting out multiple bowls of freshwater throughout your house. It's also important to note that it's generally not healthy for dogs (or people) to drink too much water—so pay attention if your pup starts slaking down excessive amounts of H2O!

Additionally, consider purchasing a pet fountain so they have an ample supply of clean water throughout their day.

Do check out Furvenzy's Cat & Dog Food bowl with Water Fountain & our entire collection of Fountain & Bowls for some quality products to ensure safety & hygiene for your beloved pet.

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