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April 12, 2022 3 min read

Your cat’s litter box might not be the most glamorous of household topics, but it’s an important one nonetheless! Litter boxes are a place where your kitty can do his or her business, so naturally, you want to make sure it’s as clean and inviting as possible.

If you’re curious about how often you should change your cat litter, read on! We have some answers for you.

What Is The Right Amount Of Time For Changing The Litter?

Changing your cat litter too often can be a waste of money, as you'll need to buy more bags. Yet, if you leave your litter unchanged for too long, it will start to smell and that's not very pleasant to deal with.

So how often should you change your cat litter? According to some veterinarians, once a week is fine as long as you keep up with daily scooping duties. This is especially true if you're using clumping clay litter, which absorbs both urine and feces and can be easily discarded after it's been sitting in your box for several days. If using traditional clay or paper litter, then scooping on a daily basis is essential to keep odors at bay.

Will The Odor Go Away On Its Own If I Don’t Clean It For A While?

Yes and no. The litter box should be scooped out at least once a day, but if you’re someone who is running late for work in the morning, it might be okay to do it twice or even three times a day. However, if you’re noticing an odor then that means that your litter is full of bacteria and that could also mean illness and disease for your cat.

Keeping up with regular cleaning will help reduce odors as well as make sure your cat is healthy. This can help prevent illness which means fewer vet bills later on down the road when one of your cats becomes ill.

There Are Different Types Of Cat Litters, How Do I Know Which One To Choose?

There are many different cat litters on the market today and it can be overwhelming trying to decide which one is best for your cat. There are a few different options when choosing cat litter; paper, scoopable and clumping. Each has its own pros and cons, but luckily for you we have done all of that research for you!

In short, paper litters are good for having an economical choice as they are cheaper than clumping and scoopable litters but it also means that you will have to change them more often (every 1-2 weeks). It also does not clump so if your kitty happens to miss their target there will be no easy way to dispose of those messes.

What Material Is Best For The Boxes That Houses The Litter?

There are many different types of litter to choose from, and that can make it difficult to decide which one is best for your cat. After all, each material has its own specific pros and cons, so it can be hard to narrow down what's best.

Fortunately, there's one type of litter that outshines all others: natural cat litter. Whether you're looking for a biodegradable alternative or something safer for you and your pet, natural cat litter has got you covered. Natural litters are made with organic materials that let you enjoy what really matters: enjoying time with your cat! Some of these litters even help reduce odor and improve airflow in your home. What's not to love?

Do check out Furvenzy's Cat Litter Box to give your Cat a Secluded Toilet & a Comfortable Environment.

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